
ZeroAuth provides full support for zkLogin on desktop platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. This support is available natively or through the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

On these desktop platforms, ZeroAuth aims to seamlessly manage the entire zkLogin flow, similar to its approach on other platforms. The process involves composing a request for an OpenID provider, launching a browser window, and handling the redirect back to your application. ZeroAuth efficiently handles all these steps, eliminating the need for you to worry about them. However, you have the flexibility to intervene at any stage and reclaim control if necessary. For detailed information on the zkLogin flow on desktop platforms, refer to the Conceptual Overview section.

The underlying philosophy of ZeroAuth is to offer a simple, intuitive API that enables developers to easily integrate zkLogin into their applications. Despite its streamlined operation, ZeroAuth ensures that you retain full control over the process, courtesy of its highly decoupled architecture.

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