Conceptual Overview

There are three standard ways to initiate a zkLogin flow on Android accommodating either Kotlin or/and Java Projects:

  • Context class Infix extension function style: ZeroAuth injects an infix extension function into the Context class accessible in your activity
  • Functional style: This approach offers a top-level function requiring at least a Context and a ZKLoginRequest instances as inputs.
  • Object-oriented style: ZeroAuth provides a default implementation of ZKLoginService. This encapsulates the zkLogin initiation process.

In any of the aforementioned approaches, there exists a callable, zkLogin, which requires at minimum a ZKLoginRequest object. The ZKLoginRequest object, as its name implies, encapsulates a zkLogin request. It facilitates the configuration of an OAuth provider and the definition of a salting or proving service. This component is pivotal for extending core features of the framework, establishing a foundation for customization and scalability.

The zkLogin request yields an intent which should be utilized to launch the ZKLoginManagementActivity. This activity orchestrates the OAuth flow, managing the outcomes adeptly and relaying the result—usually a ZKLoginResponse upon success or null if failed—back to your calling activity. Through this mechanism, ZeroAuth ensures a smooth transition between the initiation of the login process and the handling of its result, providing a streamlined workflow for authentication within your Android application.

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